1,028 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to investigate the misconception in “Sound Propagation” topic, within the direction of students’ opinions that can be occurred by using different teaching methods all together. The study includes activities based on 5E learning model, conceptual change texts, study sheet supported by analogies, and computer-assisted teaching materials. The sample of this qualitative study is made up of 8 students at 5th grade from a secondary school in Trabzon. Semi-constructed interview is used as data collection tool. Data collected after the analysis of interview are transferred to the reader without any deterioration in meaning. It is found out that, using different methods all together in “Sound Propagation” topic is more effective and misconceptions are removed at the end of the study.   Article visualizations

    Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Economic Resources

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    The rapid change in technologies and markets (innovations) as well as government policies has induced firms and localities to take collective actions to enhance their capacity to adapt and respond to uncertainty (Lundvall, 1998). In this regard current approaches to economic development draw upon diverse theoretical fields and concepts but there is some agreement as to the importance of social capital (Coleman, 1988; Putnam, 1993; Sabel, 1993). Social capital refers to embeddedness of trust and strong civic relations in a locality that serves as a source of competitiveness through cooperation. The SME’s are, naturally, both creators and users of the social capital in a locality. It is observed that different regions perform different qualities in the creation and exploitation of social capital in Turkey. Thus, this study aims to analyze and identify the attitudes of the SME’s towards networking, trust and collaboration in Lakes District (Isparta and Burdur Provinces) in order to assess the social capital capacity and capability. Is there a certain level networking among SME’s? Do they trust each other in their local business environment? Do they trust other local actors such as business chambers and local authorities? Is there awareness about collaborative business development among SME’s? The findings of such questions will help policy makers to design effective strategies in order to improve the role of social capital in economic development process. This study depends on a survey conducted in 2005. 66 SME’s were chosen from KOSGEB’s regional data inventory which includes 250 SME’s for Lakes District. In this survey, 50 questions questionnaire was used. The data collected have been evaluated by SPSS and MINITAB. In order to explore the social capital attitudes and differences among the SME’s, discriminant analysis, t-test and ANOVA are used. The social capital was categorized into (i) supportive structure of local actors (ii) collaboration among SME’s (iii) trust at different levels. The initial findings are less supportive of a strong social capital among SME’s and between SME’s and local actors. It is expected that informal and social relations should have been much developed in less developed economies, mainly as a consequence of less capitalization of social processes. Ironically, strong social relations in developing countries are not enough to produce/reproduce social capital. Referring to Putnam (1993), trust and civicness can be assumed as more compatible producers of the social capital (Keating, 2001) instead of strong social relations.social capital, SMEs, networking, Turkey

    Nieuwe optische architecturen voor op LED gebaseerde LCOS-projectoren

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    Ecological structure: production of organic impregnation material from mussel shell and combustion

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    In the research, sea mussel shell (Chamelea gallina) powders were impregnated on the samples of Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) and Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) by dipping method at different concentrations (1%, 5%, 10%, 15%). To investigate the level of use in the wood industry and especially its effects against fire; adhesion, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), limiting oxygen index (LOI) test measurements were carried out. According to the TGA results, while the residue quantity in the spruce wood sample was the highest at 5%, the residue amount in the chestnut wood sample was the highest at 15%. With increasing amounts of mussel shell powder, the limiting oxygen index values in both wood species samples increased. As a result, it was discovered that impregnating wood samples with mussel shell powder improved the wood's fire resistance

    Spatial interaction modeling of interregional commodity flows

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    Drawing from both the spatial price equilibrium theoretical framework and the empirical literature on spatial interaction modeling, this paper expands models of interregional commodity flows (CFs) by incorporating new variables and using a flexible Box-Cox functional form. The 1993 US commodity flows survey provides the empirical basis for estimating state-to-state flow models for 16 commodity groups over the 48 continental US states. The optimized Box-Cox specification proves to be superior to the multiplicative one in all cases, while selected variables provide new insights into the determinants of state-to-state CFs

    Otel çalışanlarının mesleki ve kişilik özellikleri uyumunun kariyer hedefleri üzerine etkisi : İstanbul’ da bir alan araştırması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Günümüzde, bilim ve teknolojideki gelişmeler, sosyal ve siyasi değişimler, rekabet; sosyal ve ekonomik çevrelerde, özellikle örgütsel yapılarda önemli değişimleri beraberinde getirmektedir. Küreselleşme, teknoloji, değişim ve bilgi toplumu kavramlarının etkisiyle örgütsel yapıların değişmesi, bireylerin eğitim ve beklentilerindeki gelişmeler kariyerin anlamını da değiştirmektedir. Bilgi çağında, yaşam boyu iş olanaklarının, fonksiyonel unvanların ve gelir açısından sürekli yükselmenin yerini, yaşam boyu öğrenme, kendi kendini sürekli geliştirme ve sürekli istihdam edilebilir kalmaya gereksinim duyma almıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı turizm sektöründe çalışan bireylerin mesleki kişilik özelliklerini mesleğin gerektirdiği kişilik özelikleri ile karşılaştırarak olası uyum veya uyumsuzluğun kariyer hedefleri üzerinde ne gibi etkileri olduğunu incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla İstanbul bölgesinde bulunan otellerde, Holland Mesleki kişilik envanteri ile Duman'ın geliştirdiği kariyer isteği ölçeği kullanılarak hazırlanmış anket yardımı ile kişilik özellikleri ile kariyer yapma isteği arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Evreni belirlemek için İstanbul bölgesi otellerinde bulunan yatak sayısı 2008 turizm ve işletme belgeli tesis istatistikleri ve 2006 belediye belgeli tesis istatistiklerinden faydalanarak oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yatak sayısı İstanbul'da 118500 çıkmıştır. Otellerde yatak başına düşen personel sayısı 0,50'dir. Buna göre evren 59250 personel olarak bulunmuş ve Altunışık ve Diğerleri tarafından oluşturulan tabloya göre en az 382 anket uygulanması gerektiği saptanmıştır.Nowadays, the ongoing developments in science and technology, alteration of social and politics arena and competition, bring about significant changes in social and economic enviroments besides those changes in the organizational structures. The effects of globalization, technology, variation, knowledge of society and the changing in the organizational structures, developments in the personal education and preferences have changed the understanding of career. In the era of information, life-time job oppurtunities, functional titles and continuous improvement in terms of high wages have left its place to life-time education, continuous self-improvement and the need for ensuring full-time employment. The aim of this study is demonstrate effects congruency of vocational personality traits and personality traits that required tourism industry to career aspiration. For this purpose, survey was achieved, in order to demonstrate whether there exists any relationship between vocational personality traits and career aspiration by the help of a questionary has been generated with Holland?s Vocational Preference Inventory and Career Aspiration scale developed by Duman at hotels situated in Istanbul. In order to reach research universe, number of beds tried to found according to Tourism Investment Licenced and Tourism Operation Licenced establisments statistics 2008 and Municipality Licenced Establishments 2006 statistics in Istanbul. It is found 118.500 beds existing in Istanbul. Number of personel rate per bed is 0.50. With reference to universe is found as 59.250 personel and it is decided that attain 382 personel for survey according to table hat was generate by Altunışık and Others

    Mobility performance of macrocell-assisted small cells in Manhattan model

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    Macrocell-assisted small cell concepts, such as "Phantom cell concept" and "soft cell concept", have been proposed previously for interference management, flexible cell planning, and energy saving in dense small cell deployments. These concepts require macrocell involvement to improve links between small cell and user. Since target implementation areas of the concepts are crowded urban areas (e.g. downtown New York City) to satisfy the data need, more realistic simulations are needed to be implemented compared to conventional evaluations. In this paper, as a new approach to urban area LTE simulations, Manhattan grid layout is presented and implemented for mobility performance of Macrocell-assisted small Cell concept. The results show that the macrocell involvement to improve mobility performance gives a great advantage compared to using the conventional mobility solution for dense small cell deployments

    Examining the Relationships between Student Engagement, Campus Facilities, and Technology Integration among Elementary Teacher Candidates

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    This study aims at examining the relationships between technology integration, campus facilities, and student engagement at 26 state universities in Turkey. In the study, the quantitative method was employed, specifically the correlational research method. The research sample involved 5,534 female students (71.21%) and 2237 (28.79%) male students, amounting to 7771 participants in total. The data of this study were collected by means of Student Engagement Scale, Student Perception Scale for Faculty Members’ Technology Integration Efficacy, and Campus Climate Checklist. In addition, Pearson correlation analysis was conducted on the collected data. The results revealed that in every university, there was a positive relationship between student engagement and the students’ scores in regards to benefits from the campus facilities. Another important result was that the positive relationship between student engagement and the students’ perceptions regarding technology integration efficacies of the faculty members was proven for all universities involved in the study